Tips From Santa
Everyone wants to get the “perfect” picture of their children with Santa, but, to be honest, many parents (grand parents, aunt, uncles, etc) go about it in the wrong way. Having been a Santa for many years, here are my tips for getting that perfect picture:
Let Santa Do His Thing
Often times, Santa is presented with a child who is hesitant, which is more than normal, but rather than approaching slowly, the child it thrust at the stranger in red suit, dropped screaming onto his lap, and they panic…
Santa gets it, mom and dad (or whoever) is in a big hurry… they’ve got things to do… but… if you want the perfect picture… S L O W down! Santa and his photographer (if present) have been doing this for a long time, and they have all sorts of things they can do to help calm the child and make it a better experience for everyone! Some Santas will even get down on the floor to talk with your child (which in itself can be a great picture!) to help calm them.
Santa will never force a child onto his lap. If they want to come up, great… many do… some don’t. Many photos with Santa have been taken with the child standing nearby. Also, if Mrs. Claus is present, often times the child feels more secure going to her. That is perfectly fine and makes great pictures!
Don’t hover. That tends to freak the child out, too.
If all else fails, “group photos” with an adult or sometimes the whole family in attendance have been done millions of times and still produce very nice photos.
Taking Photos
Today everyone has a camera on the cell phone and takes thousands of pictures a year. Here are my tips for better photos of Santa with your phone.
If there is a professional photographer, you should ask permission to take any candids with your phone. It is just polite, and many times this is how these professionals make a living, so please ask. If there is not a professional photographer, you are free to use your own camera.
Too many people take their photos at adult height, pointing downward at Santa and the child. A much better photo is taken by getting your camera lense down at Santa/child level.
Many times there is a set or at least a back-drop behind Santa. Zooming in to crop the photo so it contains only the back-drop and Santa and the child will produce much nicer, more professional photos
Yes, your grandma or even you can get your picture with Santa! Santa loves children of ALL ages!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
SE Michigan - NW Ohio
To Schedule a visit or for more info call 419-787-4969